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80% of Women and 92% of Girls Are Dissatisfied With Their Bodies

I like your blog very much!!! Good work.

women 4 hope


UPDATE:  I’m am now also at Capessa Health and Fitness.  You might be interested in my post Top 3 Tips For Health Eating.

Hollywood and the fashion, cosmetics and diet industries work hard to make each of us believe that our bodies are unacceptable and need constant improvement. Print ads and television commercials reduce us to body parts — lips, legs, breasts — airbrushed and touched up to meet impossible standards. TV shows tell women and teenage girls that cosmetic surgery is good for self-esteem. Is it any wonder that more than 80% of fourth-grade girls have been on some form of fad diet? Is it any wonder that 80% of U.S. women are dissatisfied with their appearance? — go to Love You Body

92% of girls want to change at least one aspect of their appearance. Dove believes all girls deserve to see how beautiful they…

Ver la entrada original 121 palabras más

Leila Youssef

Leila Youssef es coach especialista en relaciones humanas. Es educadora emocional conferenciante y terapeuta en Integració Psico-corporal. Es miembro de la Asociación Europea de Psicoterapia Corporal (EABP) y de su división española, la APCCE. Además, pronto obtendrá su acreditación de la Federación Internacional de Coaching (ICF).


Leila Youssef ofrece asesoramiento a las personas que lo solicitan, de forma individual o colectiva. Afincada en Andalucía (España), tiene disponibilidad para viajar, siempre que se reúna un número suficiente de personas. Se ha especializado fundamentalmente en tres áreas:

1. Empoderamiento y liderazgo femenino.

2. Sexualidad e intimidad emocional en la mujer y en la pareja.

3. Educación emocional y crecimiento personal para empresarios/as y profesores/as.


feminidadconsciente@gmail.com Tfno.: 667 78 15 42

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Imagen de cabecera: Georgia O’Keeffe